Wetting the paper afterwards gives a very different look to working directly onto wet paper. With wet paper, the line will spread and blur in ways that you can't control and the black ink will often separate into its constitute colours. Working with a wet brush over an existing line results in more controllable washes of soft grey (or purple depending on the kind of ink used in the black pen) surrounding a still black line.
Posted: 11.53pm on 23.12.07
Returned: 27.12.07
Hello Kirsty, I heard about your project from the craftypod podcast, which I've just got around to listening to.
I was intrigued by your idea for the daily envelopes. They'll make a superb exhibition and I'm sure it will draw in a wide range of people. Good luck with finding a hosting gallery.
Some of the drawings would make good starting points for sculpture or prints. What a resource you've created for your future work!
Wishing you well
Julie (UK)
Hi Kirsty - I wonder if you have ever seen Envelopes by Harriet Russell - its a really lovely book. You should publish all yours too.
Hello Kirsty - as you know this project has inspired me - so far as to commit to doing it albeit with my own twist - I will say the first week into it that it IS a commitment - what I love so much about your envelopes is of course their simple elegance - although my fist envelope made an attempt at this I rather quickly realized that simplicity eludes me - thanks so much for you comment - I am sure you have inspired many others...
so glad to have found you out there is cyberland - I love the way you think...
xox - eb.
Hey, Kirsty.
I just wanted to comment how much I love this project. Hope you find a gallery to take you on.
All the best.
where's the rest?
24. to 31.?
: )
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