Yet another drawing done in a restaurant, this time during a meal celebrating our 13th anniversary. This one was inspired by the stunning rock formations around Llangollen in North Wales. It's always much easier to find inspiration for my envelopes if I've been out and about and going somewhere completely new was particularly useful: even though I'm back home now, I'm still processing the images that I saw over the weekend.
Posted: 10.10pm on 12.8.07
Returned: 15.8.07
Hi Kirsty, I've just found your project and am intrigued. I think it's a delightful idea and I'm looking forward to following your progress. I like today's anniversary drawing and it sounds like you had a great time celebrating.
Hi Teresa, thanks for your comment, I'm glad that you like the project. Yes, the anniversary was lovely, we had a thoroughly nice day followed by a very delicious meal.
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