I'm still very drawn to the pen over wet paper technique and feel that there's lots more I can do with it: I particularly like the randomness of it and the way the ink sometimes spreads and sometimes doesn't. This is one of my favourite drawings from this week, I love the simplicity of it.
Posted: 11.52pm on 30.7.07
Returned: 1.8.07
1 comment:
Hi Kirsty, I haven't visited for a while (things to do, rests to take, mainly the latter actually) but am glad to have had a look today and as ever enjoyed looking at your ever mutating envelope drawings. Learned a new word too - scumbling - looked it up and murmuring it under my breath while turning the dictionary's pages made me think of mumbling/fumbling/bumbling which seem to refer to something similar, renering something unclear/oblique, only in terms of words or gestures or whatever. Anyway, I stop rambling now.
I love Eva Hesse's work too, saw the exhibition at Tate Modern but also in Wiesbaden/Germany where I thought it was better hung/presented. Her drawings are beautiful and strange, they seem to be about something between body and machine, between delicate and powerful, neat and tidy and messy too.
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